Thursday, February 25, 2010


Well, sorry we've slacking.  Lacey and I have spent the last couple days just hanging out, so there hasn't been as much to talk about.  She's continuing to make really good progress and is slowly overcoming many of her fears.  Her big thing now is her getting scared on walks from the loud city sounds.  Which, if I can get my way, won't be a problem as she really needs to not be in NYC. She also is going crazy trying to find a patch of grass to go on!  For the time being she has settled for a few bushes, the snow, mud, and one very unfortunate patch of astroturf.

The biggest jump in progress that Lacey has made has been in the home.  She's progressively more playful, and I've really been enjoying that.  This morning we even had a nice little wrestling match (I won of course)  She's also getting way more comfortable in the space.  She like's her crate as a home base, but is feeling much more comfortable just walking around.  She's a smart girl and if you give her boundaries, she will stay within them.


  1. Hi. Miss Lacey looks like a wonderful dog. Do you have any idea how she would be with children. We have a 3 y/o and 5 y/o who are RR savvy. (We lost our 9 y/o RR last August to lymphoma.) We live in the 'burbs with a large yard (unfenced), but plenty of grass!!! Miss Lacey sounds like our Sam used to be. He was a gentle soul. Sometimes he would try to be alpha, but really, he didn't know how to do it. :) And funny enough, he had a stairs phobia, so he mainly lived on the first floor of our house. Thanks.

  2. I havent seen any aggression, but it's really impossible to say. I don't know her history. Contact the rescue organization through the link at the top of my page and maybe they can set up a visit or a test. Thanks for reading!

  3. Is Lacey feeling better? I am supposed to foster Xena from the site, but her dad who says he "has to give her up" keeps pushing back the time because he's not ready. I understand that, I just want to get Miss Xena in my home so I can find her a loving permanent family. By the way, if you ever have a conflict or will be away for the day I'd love to watch Lacey and am cleared for fostering w RRRI. Give the wannabee wrestling-champ a kiss!

  4. My beautiful Lacey. I'm glad to see she's coming along. She stole my heart in that one night.
